The official blog of Susan Landis-Steward, writer of whatever she likes, and co-founder of Puddletown Publishing Group

I'm afraid…..

Ever since we got Gwyneth, the dog, I’ve been obsessed with the creature. You must remember that I hate dogs. But, with one glaring bad habit, this is a truly delightful and well-behaved animal.  For the past two days, I’ve been able to call Jenny at work and announce: “You left for work at 5:55 am, didn’t you?” “Today you were late. You didn’t leave until 6:20 am.

This is important because I often pass Jenny in the hall on my way to bed, her way to work. I am a night owl. She goes to bed before the sun goes down. I go to bed as it comes up.

Enter Gwyneth. Although she sticks to me like glue if I am vertical, she sees Jenny as a good substitute if I’m sleeping. But the minute Jenny walks out the door, she starts barking. Then we have to go out on the front porch where she proceeds to stare at the driveway as if willing the car to reappear.

This, of course, is ridiculous. If it keeps up, I’ll become a morning person. It’s not even dark yet and already I’m thinking about bed……I’m afraid…..